Cardiff Oncology is headquartered in San Diego, CA. Our mailing address is: 11055 Flintkote Avenue, San Diego, CA 92121.

The company (previously known as Trovagene) was founded in 1999. Its name was changed to Cardiff Oncology in 2020.

Cardiff Oncology (previously known as Trovagene) joined the NASDAQ Stock Market on June 14, 2012.

Cardiff Oncology trades under the stock symbol CRDF on the NASDAQ Stock Market.

You can purchase Cardiff Oncology stock through a registered broker. The company does not have a Direct Stock Purchase Plan at this time.

Cardiff Oncology operates on a fiscal year ending December 31st. Our quarterly reporting periods end on March 31st, June 30th, September 30th and December 31st.

Please contact Investor Relations at (858) 952-7570 or

Pacific Stock Transfer Company
6725 Via Austi Parkway, Suite 300
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119
Toll Free Phone: 1-800-785-7782

Please contact our transfer agent, Pacific Stock Transfer.

Cardiff Oncology’s independent registered public accounting firm is BDO USA, LLP.

Cardiff Oncology’s legal advisor is Shepard Mullin Richter & Hampton LLP.